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<TITLE>RE: vim files</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=2>> These files really should have a licence (as should Dave's syntax file<BR>
> for .svx files) - is it your intention that they're released under the<BR>
> GPL?<BR>
That was my intention for the original syntax file, certainly.<BR>
> I'm just trying to get the build system to install these automatically<BR>
> but the directory appears to vary even between Linux distros<BR>
Can you get the build scripts to check if $VIMRUNTIME is set, and if not,<BR>
run "gvim --version" and interrogate its output? This isn't actually<BR>
quite right because Vim does something weird if the runtime directory<BR>
isn't set but the helpfile directory is, but I suspect that's unlikely<BR>
to come up on any sensibly set up system.<BR>
David Loeffler<BR>
Mathematics Department<BR>
Imperial College, London</FONT>