Tartarus CVS: sdlgames: simon

tartarus-commits@lists.tartarus.org tartarus-commits@lists.tartarus.org
Fri, 17 Jan 2003 21:25:50 +0000

CVS Root:       /home/cvs
Module:         sdlgames
Changes by:     simon
Date:           Fri Jan 17 2003  21:25:50 GMT

Log message:
Added a hold-piece feature like the one in Tetris Worlds. Untested
in the GTK front end.
In order to do this, I've changed the interface to the `block'
function: it now takes an `area' parameter, which describes any of a
number of pieces of screen that have stuff drawn in. One is the main
playing area, one is the next-piece indicator, one is the new hold
cell; so a front end can place these various bits wherever it likes.

Modified files:
    ntris           : ntris.c ntris.h ntrisgtk.c ntrissdl.c
