simon-svn: puzzles: simon

tartarus-commits at tartarus-commits at
Fri Jun 17 12:51:52 BST 2005

SVN root:       svn://
Changes by:     simon
Revision:       5965
Date:           2005-06-17 12:51:52 +0100 (Fri, 17 Jun 2005)

Log message (10 lines):
An email conversation with Chuck Fresno turned up several forms of
symmetry which were not implemented in Solo. Now they are.

In the process I've completely retired symmetry_limit() on the
grounds that some of the new symmetries do not have a rectangular
base region; instead I determine the base region by going through
the grid and finding every square which is not transformed into a
lexicographically lower square by any symmetry operation. This means
that adding new symmetries is now _only_ a matter of encoding the
actual transformation rules.

Modified files:
U   puzzles/solo.c


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