simon-svn: puzzles: simon

tartarus-commits at tartarus-commits at
Wed May 4 13:52:52 BST 2005

SVN root:       svn://
Changes by:     simon
Revision:       5742
Date:           2005-05-04 13:52:51 +0100 (Wed, 04 May 2005)

Log message (9 lines):
The Twiddle shuffling algorithm was theoretically parity-unbalanced:
it performed a fixed number of shuffling moves, and on each one it
had a 2/3 chance of flipping the permutation parity and a 1/3 chance
of keeping it the same. Markov analysis shows that over a run of
1500-odd shuffle moves this will end up being an undetectably small
actual bias in the parity of the generated grid, but it offends my
sense of pedantry nonetheless so here's a small change to make the
number of shuffling moves itself have randomly chosen parity. The
parity of generated grids should now be _exactly_ 50:50.

Modified files:
U   puzzles/twiddle.c


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