simon-svn: puzzles: simon

Commits to Tartarus CVS repository. tartarus-commits at
Sun Jun 10 08:20:18 BST 2012

SVN root:       svn://
Changes by:     simon
Revision:       9561
Date:           2012-06-10 08:20:18 +0100 (Sun, 10 Jun 2012)

Log message (13 lines):
Vary the behaviour of Mines's solve function depending on whether the
user is already in the 'dead' state when they press it. If so, we
reveal the rest of the mines in the grid as if it were the Windows
Minesweeper 'you lose' display, which provides information showing
what the user got wrong. (Otherwise they have to repeatedly flick back
and forth between Solve and Undo if they want to work out which flag
they placed wrongly.)

If you press Solve while alive, however, the existing behaviour
remains unchanged.

(This feature was suggested by Clive Jones a couple of weeks after I
first wrote Mines, and I've finally got round to doing it!)

Modified files:
U   puzzles/mines.c


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