[Xapian-discuss] Symptom with twenty-five clause predicate

Cameron Laird cameron at enfoldsystems.com
Mon May 12 17:55:03 BST 2008

We embed Xapian in what amounts to a large Python application that has been working
successfully for a couple of years.  We recently came across a reproducible instance
of a symptom whose pertinent traceback is

   - __traceback_info__: ('+kind:"Files" +(allow:"KarlAdmins" OR allow:"KarlStaff" OR allow:"KarlSysAdmins" OR allow:"KarlTOSAccepted" OR allow:"KarlTOSSent" OR allow:"NetworkNewsAdmins" OR allow:"OSI-New York" OR allow:"Open Society Institute" OR allow:"aboutkarl" OR allow:"cookingcommunity" OR allow:"financialandadministrativeproceduresfaap" OR allow:"freefood" OR allow:"governinginternationalemergencies" OR allow:"greenerosius" OR allow:"karladministration" OR allow:"karlcoreteam" OR allow:"karlfeedbackcommunity" OR allow:"karlpresentationatploneconference" OR allow:"karlsuperusers" OR allow:"natscommunityofone" OR allow:"oxfamdiscussion" OR allow:"thesoftersideofkarl" OR allow:"zimbabwe") +US transparency and', None, None, True, None, 1, True) 
  Module lemur.xapian.sei, line 1761, in _makeQuery 
  Module xapian, line 1144, in parse_query 
QueryParserError: Syntax: <expression> AND <expression>

Does this "ring any bells" with any of you?  You're not responsible for the faults
in our larger application, of course; I'm curious to know, though, whether there
are any known limits to the scale of Xapian clause evaluation that might yield this
sort of symptom.

I'll follow up with exact information on the versions of Xapian that exhibit this

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