[Xapian-discuss] Trouble understanding MultiValueSorter with PHP bindings

Jason Chapin jason at roasted.org
Wed Aug 5 17:50:38 BST 2009

Hi all,

Using the PHP5 bindings, I have been trying to sort results using 
        $enquire = new XapianEnquire($database);
        $sorter = new XapianMultiValueSorter();
        $enquire->set_sort_by_key($sorter, false);
        $matches = $enquire->get_mset((int)$startAt, (int)$perPage);

the results always come sorted by ascending docId. My understanding of 
$sorter->add(2) is to sort the results on the third field of the 
document (field 0 being the docId and field 3 being the second field 
defined in the scriptindex file used to build the database). Any advice 


Jason Chapin
jason at roasted.org

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