[Xapian-discuss] Blacklist stemming

Silviu-Ionut Ganceanu silviug at gmail.com
Tue Jun 9 19:45:00 BST 2009


On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 12:50 AM, Silviu-Ionut Ganceanu <silviug at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> I need to modify the stemming for a couple of words (a blacklist) and for
> all the other to use the usual snowball stemmer.
> The "natural" way of doing it would be to derive from Stem and override
> operator ()... but I am using *python-bindings*. Would this be possible?
> If not I have two other solutions in mind:
>    - add a custom stemmer to Xapian
>    - write custom index & search methods in python using add_posting &
>    hacks to modify the query tree respectively
> Both solutions are not too appealing.
> What would be the easiest way to do it?
> Thanks,
> Silviu

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