[Xapian-discuss] Want to contribute code to the Xapian project

Peter Karman peter at peknet.com
Mon Dec 10 19:25:22 GMT 2012

On 12/8/12 7:41 AM, aarsh shah wrote:
> Hey guys,I am a 3rd year Computer Science undergrad student.I a extremely
> interested in contributing code to the XAPIAN project. The work you people
> do sounds extremely fascinating and interesting.Can someone just give me a
> brief overview of how to proceed ?. I Can code in C,C++ and Python and
> have  experience in Natural Lanuage Processing.Am also quite comfortable
> with NLTK and using  Wordnet.Am also good a matrix algebra and probability
> theory. However,am new to Information Retrieval and would really appreciate
> if someone could give me some help on how to start with IR.Thanks .


You might look here for ideas:


Peter Karman  .  http://peknet.com/  .  peter at peknet.com

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