Hi, I've been read this thread
<a href="http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.search.xapian.general/1475">http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.search.xapian.general/1475</a> but it
can't help me, I'm trying to write a script (C++) that read 1000 rows
from a database (postgresql) and put this in the database of xapian,
like this "algorithm":<br>
1 - Read 1000 rows from table<br>
2 - Replace all no printable characteres (like ".:></[]" etc) for ' ' (space)<br>
3 - Replace ' ' (double space) into ' ' (unique space)<br>
4 - Open xapian database, and create a variable to Xapian::Document<br>
5 - For each row split the text into words using ' ' (space) as delimiter<br>
6 - For each word insert into document (doc.add_postiing(word,index))<br>
7 - Clean up the document, and back to 5, until finish rows<br>
8 - Close database<br>
I'm doing only this, I read the omindex.cc, but I can't understand, <br>
Someone please help me!!<br>
(Sorry about bad english, I'm Brazilian)<br>-- <br>SDM - <a href="http://www.Garimpar.com/noticias">www.Garimpar.com/noticias</a><br><a href="http://sdm.zapto.org/">http://sdm.zapto.org/</a><br>--<br>Seja esperto, seja livre, seja Linux
<br>Be smart, be free, be Linux<br>Soyez futé, soyez libre, soyez Linux