main pitfalls (was re: New subscriber)

Danilo Allegrini
Fri, 1 Dec 2000 09:23:24 -0200

> >> >
> >> > > What are the main pitfalls waiting to trip up an inexperienced
> >> > > surveyor?
> >> >
> >> > Magnetic bits on your person
> >> > Wet paper / ball point pens
> >> > Sloppy recording / poor sketching
> >>
> >>   Decade inversion reading instruments, and other artifacts
> >>   of not enough practice.
> >>
> >>   The fine art of picking a survey point you can find so that
> >>   starting out where you left off is possible.
> >>
> >Finding someone that is willing to do the survay with you to the
> >that are needed
> >
> * Forgetting to sketch cross-sections & long-profiles (and other detail).
> * Reading wrong side (percent grade) of a SUUNTO clinometer
> * Not taking a spare pencil
> * Thinking you can remember details and sketch them after leaving the
> * Hanging compass, clino, pencil torch, etc from separate lanyards around
your neck where they will weave an intricate macrame and eventually strangle

"taking too long to make the final drawing from your sketch and realize you
are not exactly sure about the details and notes you made"
"forgetting your survey tape and realize when you reach the survey site"
"not enough care with the instruments - mud or condensation in the sight
"unwilling teammates - 'what? no way I will survey inside a hole *that
small*' - leading to interrogation marks in the final map"
"cold, numb fingers, instruments, BCRA5 and goddamn loops"

Danilo Allegrini
Sao Paulo - Brasil