
Andy Waddington on Survey stuff
Wed, 10 Jan 2001 15:00:25 GMT

> What do you think? Any problems foreseen with settling on CKX?

I'm afraid I can't resist this one:

Multiple Independant Nerd-Dependant -
 Normalised Uniform Markup Bearing Ingredients from the Natural Geography
 of Nearly Every Speleological System

but I guess that just the natural cynicism that this sort of discussion
engenders. This is a serious point: whilst I would not wish to belittle this
effort in any way (and be aware that I nearly always take the piss out of
people and groups of whom I approve and get worried if people aren't doing
the same to me...), I do worry that this discussion is already becoming
pretty turgid and esoteric for a mailing list meant to deal with cave
surveying as a whole, and which could therefore be seen as intended to
appeal to novices. Surely one of the functions of this list is to encourage
those starting out in cave surveying ? Nothing is going to be more off
putting to someone who is just starting out with compass, clino tape and
notebook and some enthusiasm for drawing neat plans of caves than to join a
discussion group in which everyone rambles on as if it is a postgraduate

Is there any chance that this might merit a separate list of its own ?
