UIS grades - update

Wookey wookey@aleph1.co.uk
Wed, 13 Mar 2002 11:56:05 +0000 (GMT)

On Tue 12 Mar, Philipp Haeuselmann wrote:

> From: Erik Agrell <agrell@s2.chalmers.se>
> Subject: UIS grades - update

 [fascinating genesis of UIS grades in sweden].

> I am beginning to realize that the information I am gathering might be
> interesting to more people than you and me (and Peter M), at least in
> Sweden. Perhaps I will write an article or something when all leads
> are pushed.

Please do. I would like to publish such a thing in Compass Points.

Ol has answered in detail about Bryan Ellis. Iwould just add that so far as I
am aware it was Bryan and Arthur Butcher who developed/defined the original
CRG grades. I could probably find when they were first published with a bit
of effort.

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