Shetland Pony Attack

Luc Le Blanc lleblanc at
Sat Nov 24 10:17:41 GMT 2007


Some of you have e-mailed me about the Shetland Pony Attack (SAP), a
compass-clino electronic combo designed for cave surveying. I had
already e-mailed Phil Underwood (the designer) to offer to implement
SAP support in Auriga, but the SAP features a client USB link, which
the Palm cannot drive. Phil will check into the possibility of
implementing a serial connector on the SAP. If that would decide you
to buy one, you may always e-mail him to encourage him. Note that
Auriga could also use a Bluetooth link if the SAP had one.

I am aware of cave surveying electronic device development projects in
France, Switzerland and Spain. Some teams write me to ask for Auriga
support, which I always agree to with pleasure, otherwise I write them
to offer that support as soon as I hear about the project.

Luc Le Blanc

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