Cave Surveying Meeting - call for items

Andrew Atkinson andrew at
Thu Sep 10 10:03:34 BST 2015


The cave surveying group annual meeting will be held at Hidden Earth as
usual, time and room will be in the HE program.

We do not have members, just a name for a group of people who are
actively involved in surveying or interested in surveying or want to
start surveying, anyone really. So everyone is welcome.

Currently items to be discussed are

HE Competitions for the next 3 years, next year been European
conference, there has been a suggestion to drop the data archive and
have 2 prizes for surveys, one for above and one for below x km in length.

More advanced paperless surveying course/workshop, with a tutorial
produced as part of it. There have been mutterings of doing it at the
South Wales hut, but not actually happened.

Please let me know if there are other things people would like to have
on the agenda, I will try to get it out next Thursday



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