CSG Meeting Proposition (April 26 - 28)

alastair gott alastairgott at hotmail.com
Sat Mar 16 08:58:36 GMT 2024

Hi Andrew,

I’m afraid that weekend is booked up at the TSG for the other cave group (them smelly divers) it’s the CDG AGM. And the Orpheus booked by BCRC - so a dead duck for a Derbyshire meet.

Red rose is booked by sam and the Shepton youth, I can message sam if you want, and see if they're bringing 16 but based on their BPC weekend last year I'm sure this will be fairly well subscribed.

Al Gott.

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From: Cave-Surveying <cave-surveying-bounces at survex.com> on behalf of Andrew Atkinson <andrew at wotcc.org.uk>
Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2024 8:17 am
To: cave-surveying at survex.com <cave-surveying at survex.com>
Subject: Re: CSG Meeting Proposition (April 26 - 28)

On 16 March 2024 03:53:54 GMT, Wookey <wookey at wookware.org> wrote:
>On 2024-03-10 22:26 +0000, Jonathan Lester wrote:
>> I was wondering what consensus would be for a meet on the (April 26 - 28)
>> either at the TSG and using the BCA Library, Or Red Rose?
>Much as I enjoy a survey nerding weekend, that is the CUCC 75th
>Aniversary weekend (Kettlewell) so doesn't work for me.

I'm away, if I wasn't I would be going to the 75th. Lots of people who are potentially likely to turn up to a survey weekend have links to CUCC so likely to not be a good date
>> Then potentially we can have a Oct/Nov one down in Mendip maybe?
>We might be a bit late for setting dates at this end of the year as
>Spring is already pretty-much upon us, and people's calendars will be
>filling up.
>It might be better just to set a date/venue in November, giving people plenty of warning?
I agree with Wookey. It is better to have a bit more notice


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