PuTTY 0.79 is released

Simon Tatham anakin at pobox.com
Sat Aug 26 13:43:30 BST 2023

PuTTY version 0.79 is released

All the pre-built binaries, and the source code, are now available
from the PuTTY website at


This is mostly a bug-fix release: there are only minor new features in
0.79 compared to 0.78.

The most important bug fix:

 - Windows installer: we've reset the installation scope to its normal
   state. In 0.78 we switched it from 'machine-wide' to 'per-user', as
   a workaround for a Windows security issue. That issue is now fixed,
   so our install scope can go back to normal.

   As a result, unfortunately, 0.79's installer will not automatically
   uninstall 0.78, for the same reason that 0.78 didn't automatically
   uninstall previous versions. We recommend uninstalling 0.78
   manually first, if you have it installed.

   We apologise for all the inconvenience this change caused everybody!

New features in this release:

 - the MAC algorithm HMAC-SHA-512 is now supported in SSH.

 - when the terminal is in mouse reporting mode (so that most mouse
   actions go to the application running inside the terminal rather
   than to PuTTY's copy and paste), we now support reporting mouse
   motions without a button held down, so that the server can display
   information about what you're hovering the pointer over. We also
   support horizontal scroll events, if your input device can generate
   them (for example, they can be configured in some trackpads).

Other bug fixes in this release include:

 - OpenSSH certificate support now works with older versions of
   OpenSSH (7.7 and earlier). Previously it only worked with OpenSSH
   7.8 and later.

 - if an SSH server uses the 'pre-authentication banner' feature of
   SSH to explain why it's about to reject your authentication and
   disconnect you, PuTTY should now reliably display that banner.
   Previously it forgot about it as soon as it received the

 - Various crashes and hangs in the terminal emulator relating to
   failed attempts to resize the window or font. If the server tried
   to send a control sequence to resize the window in Windows PuTTY
   when you had window resizing completely disabled, terminal output
   would hang; doing the same thing in Unix PuTTY if the window was
   docked to the left or right half of the screen in KDE, or trying to
   change the font size while the window was maximised, would cause a

 - A potential crash using the Raw protocol, if you pressed ^D to send
   EOF more than once (if the server didn't respond the first time by
   closing its own side of the connection).

 - The 'bell overload' timing settings in the Bell configuration pane
   were misinterpreted in Unix PuTTY and pterm 0.77 and 0.78, leading
   to errors of a factor of 1000. If you saved settings with 0.77 or
   0.78, you might want to check your settings for time values such as
   0.002 or 0.005 seconds which should be 2 or 5.

 - Using PSFTP with the '-b' option and a batch script ending with the
   'close' command would report failure, even if the entire script

 - Windows Pageant's OpenSSH interoperation mode now works even if you
   have a space in your user name.

Enjoy using PuTTY!


import hashlib; print((lambda p,q,g,y,r,s,m: (lambda w:(pow(g,int(hashlib.sha1(
and s%q!=0 and m)(12342649995480866419, 2278082317364501, 1670428356600652640,
5398151833726432125, 645223105888478, 1916678356240619, "<anakin at pobox.com>"))

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