PuTTY 0.82 is released

Simon Tatham anakin at pobox.com
Wed Nov 27 19:42:18 GMT 2024

PuTTY version 0.82 is released

All the pre-built binaries, and the source code, are now available
from the PuTTY website at


The most important change in this version of PuTTY is improved Unicode
support in multiple places. Unicode improvements include:

 - Usernames and passwords read from the terminal, or from a Windows
   console by the file transfer tools and Plink, are now read in
   Unicode, rather than the system code page or the character set
   configured in PuTTY. So if your password (for example) includes
   special characters not in the system code page, they can now be
   sent to the server anyway.

 - The command line of every PuTTY tool on Windows is parsed as
   Unicode, so that some data given on the command line can also
   contain characters not in the system code page. This affects
   usernames and file names in particular.

 - Filenames, usernames and remote commands also support characters
   outside the system code page when entered via PuTTY's GUI
   configuration. However, they will not survive a round trip through
   saving and reloading a session, because that requires a backwards-
   incompatible change to the configuration storage, which we haven't
   made yet.

 - All of PuTTY's Unicode-related character analysis (e.g. character
   widths in the terminal, bidirectional algorithm, etc) have been
   updated to be consistent with the latest version of the Unicode
   standard, Unicode 16.0.0.

 - The PuTTY terminal now understands the use of Unicode to represent
   national and regional flags. (However, correct display of those
   flags will depend on fonts and operating system.)

Other new features in this version of PuTTY include:

 - The PuTTY Event Log now includes information about the local socket
   endpoint of a network connection (that is, including the local port
   number), to make it easier to match up PuTTY instances and log
   files to any other network logs.

 - There's a checkbox in the Features panel to turn off bracketed
   paste mode in the terminal, in case that causes problems.

 - Unix Pageant has a new --foreground mode, to make it easier to run
   as a subprocess of something else automated.

Bug fixes include:

 - Some fixes to window size and placement. If you configure a border
   around the text in the PuTTY window then it will still appear when
   the window is maximised; also, PuTTY takes more care to ensure the
   whole window is visible on the screen when it starts up, instead of
   accidentally off one edge.

 - The updated RSA signature types in SSH are now sent with correct
   padding (which differs from correct padding in the old ssh-rsa).
   Most servers didn't care about the difference, but picky ones would
   have occasionally rejected a RSA signature from PuTTY.

 - A fix to terminal wrapping which could cause full-screen
   applications to redraw incorrectly if they were updating something
   in the very bottom right of the screen (notably 'ncmpc').

 - A fix to terminal keyboard handling which caused Alt + function
   keys to generate a spurious extra escape character if configured
   into "Xterm 216+" mode.

Enjoy using PuTTY!

import hashlib; print((lambda p,q,g,y,r,s,m: (lambda w:(pow(g,int(hashlib.sha1(
and s%q!=0 and m)(12342649995480866419, 2278082317364501, 1670428356600652640,
5398151833726432125, 645223105888478, 1916678356240619, "<anakin at pobox.com>"))

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