[Snowball-discuss] Java version

James Aylett james-xapian@tartarus.org
Wed, 5 Dec 2001 18:02:17 +0000

On Wed, Dec 05, 2001 at 10:38:57AM -0700, Martin Porter wrote:

> The problem surely is finding another way of doing the goto's. I
> suggested to Richard using exceptions - I hope that idea isn't just
> nonsense.

That will have a performance hit unless it's genuinely an exceptional
case. (Well, it'll have a hit then anyway, but that's not the point.)

Anyone implementing this should look into labelled breaks, which
can be used more safely than goto in many of the same situations. Not
having looked at the Snowball code generator, I can't be certain this
will solve all uses of goto, but unless Snowball is outputting really
hideous code it should do :-)


  James Aylett                                            zap.tartarus.org
  james@tartarus.org                                    www.footlights.org

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