Re[2]: [Snowball-discuss] an inconsistency with Russian stemmer

Martin Porter
Fri, 16 Nov 2001 08:59:49 -0700


You are right, there is a problem with the algorithm definition: if a
reflexive ending is found in the 'verbal' test it is removed anyway, so your
careful restoring of the ending after the failure of the 'adjectival' test
is an error. The snowball script is easy to misinterpret at that point, and
I did so when describing the algorithm. I will alter the algorithm
definition in a while. Meanwhile, your simpler version of the coding is the
correct one.

Does that issue solve all outstanding problems? It is nice of you to do the
work to find this error, but the program you have written will I imagine run
slower than the Snowball one, since you do sequential testing for the
endings, not binary chop. See the code for find_among_b in utilities.c


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