[Snowball-discuss] Re: stemmers in snowball

Martin Porter martin_porter@softhome.net
Mon, 21 Jan 2002 13:23:04 -0700


If you can compile and run the German stemmer, but are not getting the
correct results it does sound like a fault at our end - perhaps the modules
we are distributing have become muddled in some way. Could you send me a
tar, gzipped file corresponding to what you call directory q/ for German,
and a note on some of the differences between the provided German output.txt
and the one you are generating?

Martin Porter

P.S. This is the first time we have a problem like this, if that is any
consolation to you.

At 07:51 PM 1/21/02 +0100, sonja brodersen wrote:
>hi martin
>thanks for your prompt reply. after removal of tracer.c and 
>debug.c, the compiling was smooth. BUT i'm afraid the result 
>is the same... :-(
>any idea?
>thanks a lot

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