[Snowball-discuss] Re: SnowBall German stemming

Martin Porter martin_porter@softhome.net
Wed, 13 Mar 2002 11:39:24 -0700

>Thank you for your quick and kind answer! The problem with the special
>characters in not the ISO Latin code - i checked that already. Moreover,
>the stemmer algorithm is translating (not all but often ;-)) this
>special characters (=FC,=E4,=F6) into the right vowel (u, a, o). e.g. "=FC=
>becomes "ubung" but "b=FCcher" becomes "b=FCch" instead of "buch"!!

I cannot see what is going on here. If you look at=20


you can see that bu"cher goes to buch okay. If you can send a failing test
program I'll have a look at it, but I really think the stemmer works as
advertised. Please check further ...


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