[Snowball-discuss] Is demo out of synch?

Richard Boulton richard@tartarus.org
Fri Sep 13 14:45:01 2002

On Thu, 2002-09-12 at 15:14, Tolkin, Steve wrote:
> I just tested these three words at
> http://www.tartarus.org/~richard/snowball/demo.php
> and gots these results:
> herring -> her
> atlas -> atla
> cosmos -> cosmo
> The documentation says that atlas and cosmos are
> handled specially, and the recent email said herring is also.
> Is the demo out of synch woith the code?
> Or is the demo for Porter 1 and not Porter 2?
I believe the demo is for porter 1.

I've been meaning to fix it up so that it allows any of the supported
languages to be selected, but havn't got round to it yet.
