[Snowball-discuss] Finnish stemmer: some suggestions and some doubts
Olly Betts
Mon Dec 1 10:51:02 2003
On Sun, Nov 30, 2003 at 11:47:32AM +0000, Martin Porter wrote:
> A word of warning: the Java generated Finnish stemmer does not work because
> the stemmer uses a Snowball feature not used by the other stemmers, on which
> the Java codegenerator were tested. Neither Richard Boulton nor I currently
> have the resources to fix this.
What is the feature?
Xapian has just gained JNI wrappers to allow use from Java. This
includes wrappers for our C++ wrappers for the snowball stemmers, so if
you want to use the Finnish stemmer from Java that would be an option.