[Snowball-discuss] Re: Need Help
Martin Porter
Fri Mar 14 14:44:01 2003
I am not quite sure what you mean by a "suffix tree algorithm". Could you
explain further?
I do not have anything other than sample words lists as meterial with which
to test out the algorithms, and I'm not sure where you could get word files
classified by part of speech, although no doubt such things exist. I am
sorry I cannot be of more help at the moment.
I'm posting your message and my reply on the snowball web site, where it may
get further responses that could be of use to you.
At 14:13 14/03/2003 +0200, Mohamed Saeed wrote:
>Hi my graduation project depending on making phrases of large text and i
use your stemming algorithm and i want if u have algorithm of suffix tree
algorithm or file of words which used in making dictionaries
(nouns,verbs,...etc) i'll thanx for u at all thank u very much.
>Mohamed Saeed.