[Snowball-discuss] Problem with compiling Snowball under Visual C++
Charlie Hull
Mon Nov 3 09:50:02 2003
> -----Original Message-----
> From: snowball-discuss-admin@lists.tartarus.org
> [mailto:snowball-discuss-admin@lists.tartarus.org]On Behalf Of James
> Aylett
> Sent: 02 November 2003 12:42
> To: snowball-discuss@lists.tartarus.org
> Subject: Re: [Snowball-discuss] Problem with compiling Snowball under
> Visual C++
> On Fri, Oct 31, 2003 at 04:45:20PM -0000, Charlie Hull wrote:
> > 1. All the individual stemmers are held in files called
> 'stem.c'. This means
> > that Visual C++ attempts to compile them into object files
> called 'stem.obj'
> > and then gets most confused at link time. I can get round this by some
> > automated renaming of the sources so it's not a huge problem.
> Are you trying to build this within a VC++ workspace, or just using
> the command line tools directly?
>From within the workspace; I'm sure the command line tools would let me
build x.c into y.obj if necessary. As I said there are various ways round
this so it's not a big problem.
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