[Snowball-discuss] Re: Java sources

Richard Boulton richard at lemurconsulting.com
Mon Aug 9 11:29:28 BST 2004

Rasmus Schultz wrote:
> I understand you wrote the Java code generator? Have you
> thought about doing a PHP code generator? The differences
> from the Java version would most likely be minor ...
> Just wondering :)

No, I havn't thought of writing a PHP code generator - mainly because I 
don't tend to use PHP.  Even if I did, I would be more likely to write a 
PHP extension which provides access to the C stemmers.

However, if you feel like writing a PHP code generator, your patches 
would be welcomed.  I must say that I'm not convinced the changes from 
the Java version would be that minor, though...

PS, please keep discussion about snowball on the list.


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