[Snowball-discuss] evaluation of Snowball stemmers

Fred Gey gey at uclink.berkeley.edu
Fri Dec 10 18:06:53 GMT 2004

We utilized the Russian snowball stemmer for our Russian IR experiences in
CLEF 2003. 
After the workshop we ran some stemmer/no-stemmer experiments. The results
were remarkable (I did not test statistical significance): for
Title-Description (shorter queries) average precision went from 0. 259 to
0.334 (29% improvement), for Title-Description-Narrative (longer queries),
average precision went from 0.236 to 0.367 (56% improvement).  These
experiments were performed post-workshop, so are not included in the
notebook paper online, but are in the final paper "UC Berkeley at CLEF-2003
- Russian Language Experiments and Domain-Specific Retrieval "  in the book
just released by Springer: Comparative Evaluation of Multilingual
Information Access Systems, 4th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation
Forum, CLEF 2003, Trondheim, Norway, August 21-22, 2003, Revised Selected
Papers Series : Lecture Notes in Computer Science , Vol.  3237. 
There were some encoding issues.  The snowball Russian stemmer only works on
KOI-8 encoding, so we converted the entire CLEF Russian collection from
UTF-8 to KOI-8 using the unix iconv utility.
Fredric C Gey, PhD
Data Archivist and Assistant Director
UC Data Archive & Technical Assistance (UC DATA)
University of California, Berkeley
Interests: Cross-language Information Retrieval
               Social Science Databases
web page: http://ucdata.berkeley.edu/gey.html
-----Original Message-----
From: snowball-discuss-bounces at lists.tartarus.org
[mailto:snowball-discuss-bounces at lists.tartarus.org] On Behalf Of Martin
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2004 12:05 AM
To: Diana Maynard; snowball-discuss at lists.tartarus.org
Subject: Re: [Snowball-discuss] evaluation of Snowball stemmers
I have not carefully monitored the use of the stemmers in evaluation work,
although I think it is fairly extensive. (Of course the stemmers are often
used in IR experiments even when stemming itself is not the subject of
evaluation.) But see this paper: 
Stephen Tomlinson (2003) Lexical and algorithmic stemming compared for 9
European languages with Hummingbird SearchServer(TM) at CLEF 2003. In Carol
Peters, editor, Working notes for the CLEF 2003 Workshop 21-22 August,
Trondheim, Norway.
Tomlinson (2003) compares the Snowball stemmers with a commercial lexical
stemming (lemmatization) system. Of the nine languages tested, six gave
differences that were not statistically significant, two did better under
the lemmatization system, and one better under Snowball - I think I got that
right: you can verify it by looking at the paper.  
Given the simplicity and cheapness of the Snowball stemmers compared with a
full lemmatization system I think this is a good result for Snowball. 
Unfortunately I have not been able to find out much about the Hummingbird
system, either from Tomlinson's paper or elsewhere.
Snowball-discuss mailing list
Snowball-discuss at lists.tartarus.org
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