[Snowball-discuss] php stemmer

Eduards Cauna cauna at parks.lv
Wed Oct 5 15:57:49 BST 2005

I found references to "stem-php" extension on web.

It was also mentioned in our mailing-list in 2002

Originally it was located at 
<http://www.tutorbuddy.com/software/>http://www.tutorbuddy.com/software/ .
Unfortunately this site is not responding now.

After contacting author of this extension (J Smith) there is what I learned:

>My hosting has been screwed up recently, and I'm trying to fix it up. The 
>server can be accessed through
>It is compatible with PHP 5. I think I may try to get it into PECL so it 
>will be easier to install and work with...

So I tried stem-php-1.4.1, it compiles with PHP 5.1.0RC2-dev without any 
problems. :)
IMPORTANT. Before using ./buildconf DOWNGRADE your Linux software to 
automake 1.5, autoconf 2.13 and libtool 1.4, newer versions will not work. 
Also make sure you have wget.

Xapian (http://www.xapian.org/) looks very promising but I would be happy 
to have more detailed description of "Xapian-to-PHP" transformation. At 
moment it looks scary... :) And PHP 5 compatibility would be nice.


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