[Snowball-discuss] New pure-Perl implementation of Spanish stemmer

Julio Fraire julio.fraire at gmail.com
Fri Feb 15 16:50:59 GMT 2008

Dear All,

I have just uploaded to CPAN a Perl implementation of the Spanish stemming
algorithm. It is called Lingua::Stem::Es and it is very close to the French
implementation, Lingua::Stem::Fr.

As tests, I have included in the distribution the files voc.txt and
output.txt; I mention these two files are bound to the BSD License in the
documentation of the module. I hope it is fine. The module itself was
released under the Artistic Licence.

Let me know if you disagree with the licensing terms; if you have comments
about the module itself, I would love to hear them.

Best regards,

Julio Fraire
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