[Snowball-discuss] Why not abstract Snowball Java?

Karl Wettin karl.wettin at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 17:15:10 GMT 2008

18 jan 2008 kl. 13.44 skrev Karl Wettin:

> How is it that the snowball program is not abstract and has the  
> abstract method stem()?

It is so much more expesive to do the now required reflection to stem.

Index: java/org/tartarus/snowball/SnowballProgram.java
--- java/org/tartarus/snowball/SnowballProgram.java	(revision 500)
+++ java/org/tartarus/snowball/SnowballProgram.java	(working copy)
@@ -2,13 +2,15 @@
  package org.tartarus.snowball;
  import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;

-public class SnowballProgram {
+public abstract class SnowballProgram {
      protected SnowballProgram()
  	current = new StringBuffer();

+    public abstract boolean stem();
       * Set the current string.

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