[Snowball-discuss] German Porter Stemmer in Javascript

Kasun Gajasinghe kasunbg at gmail.com
Sat Jul 17 08:21:27 BST 2010

Hello Joder,

Thank you for the code. I really appreciate your work! I Guess probably I
would be the first one to use German stemmer in javascript :)


Kasun Gajasinghe,
University of Moratuwa,
Sri Lanka.
Blog: http://kasunbg.blogspot.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/kasunbg

On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 1:44 PM, Joder Illi <joderilli at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Kasun.
> My German stemmer Javascript implementation is complete, that means that I
> run the 35000 words of the sample vocabulary through the stemmer and I had a
> perfect match with the stemmed equivalent given on the page of the Snowball
> project. I suppose there are some optimisations that could be done to the
> Javascript, because I just wanted to get it working as soon as possible and
> didn´t spend much time thinking about optimizing the implementetion. I
> suppose that the  Javascript version of stemmer should be compatible with
> the Java version, but I didn´t check it explicitly. Let me know if anyone
> optimizes the implementation or if there are any differences with the Java
> implementation.
> Regarding your question about Javascript stemmers for other European
> languages, I remember seeing a Javascript implemantation of the english
> stemmer while I was looking for the german stemmer (but I didn´t find it, so
> I had to implement it by myself), I did´t come across Javascript
> implementation in other languages.
> Regards,
>    Joder Illi
> PS: Javascript source follows
> Just include it in your page and call
> var stemmer = new Stemmer();
> var stemmedWord = stemmer.stemm(wordToStem);
> function Stemmer() {
>     /*
>     German includes the following accented forms,
>     ä   ö   ü
>     and a special letter, ß, equivalent to double s.
>     The following letters are vowels:
>     a   e   i   o   u   y   ä   ö   ü
>     */
>     this.stemm = function(word) {
>         /*
>         Put u and y between vowels into upper case
>         */
>         word = word.replace(/([aeiouyäöü])u([aeiouyäöü])/g, '$1U$2');
>         word = word.replace(/([aeiouyäöü])y([aeiouyäöü])/g, '$1Y$2');
>         /*
>         and then do the following mappings,
>         (a) replace ß with ss,
>         (a) replace ae with ä,                          Not doing these,
> have trouble with diphtongs
>         (a) replace oe with ö,                          Not doing these,
> have trouble with diphtongs
>         (a) replace ue with ü unless preceded by q.     Not doing these,
> have trouble with diphtongs
>         So in quelle, ue is not mapped to ü because it follows q, and in
> feuer it is not mapped because the first part of the rule changes it to
> feUer, so the u is not found.
>         */
>         word = word.replace(/ß/g, 'ss');
>         //word = word.replace(/ae/g, 'ä');
>         //word = word.replace(/oe/g, 'ö');
>         //word = word.replace(/([^q])ue/g, '$1ü');
>         /*
>         R1 and R2 are first set up in the standard way (see the note on R1
> and R2), but then R1 is adjusted so that the region before it contains at
> least 3 letters.
>         R1 is the region after the first non-vowel following a vowel, or is
> the null region at the end of the word if there is no such non-vowel.
>         R2 is the region after the first non-vowel following a vowel in R1,
> or is the null region at the end of the word if there is no such non-vowel.
>         */
>         var r1Index = word.search(/[aeiouyäöü][^aeiouyäöü]/);
>         var r1 = '';
>         if (r1Index != -1) {
>             r1Index += 2;
>             r1 = word.substring(r1Index);
>         }
>         var r2Index = -1;
>         var r2 = '';
>         if (r1Index != -1) {
>             var r2Index = r1.search(/[aeiouyäöü][^aeiouyäöü]/);
>             if (r2Index != -1) {
>                 r2Index += 2;
>                 r2 = r1.substring(r2Index);
>                 r2Index += r1Index;
>             } else {
>                 r2 = '';
>             }
>         }
>         if (r1Index != -1 && r1Index < 3) {
>             r1Index = 3;
>             r1 = word.substring(r1Index);
>         }
>         /*
>         Define a valid s-ending as one of b, d, f, g, h, k, l, m, n, r or
> t.
>         Define a valid st-ending as the same list, excluding letter r.
>         */
>         /*
>         Do each of steps 1, 2 and 3.
>         */
>         /*
>         Step 1:
>         Search for the longest among the following suffixes,
>         (a) em   ern   er
>         (b) e   en   es
>         (c) s (preceded by a valid s-ending)
>         */
>         var a1Index = word.search(/(em|ern|er)$/g);
>         var b1Index = word.search(/(e|en|es)$/g);
>         var c1Index = word.search(/([bdfghklmnrt]s)$/g);
>         if (c1Index != -1) {
>             c1Index++;
>         }
>         var index1 = 10000;
>         var optionUsed1 = '';
>         if (a1Index != -1 && a1Index < index1) {
>             optionUsed1 = 'a';
>             index1 = a1Index;
>         }
>         if (b1Index != -1 && b1Index < index1) {
>             optionUsed1 = 'b';
>             index1 = b1Index;
>         }
>         if (c1Index != -1 && c1Index < index1) {
>             optionUsed1 = 'c';
>             index1 = c1Index;
>         }
>         /*
>         and delete if in R1. (Of course the letter of the valid s-ending is
> not necessarily in R1.) If an ending of group (b) is deleted, and the ending
> is preceded by niss, delete the final s.
>         (For example, äckern -> äck, ackers -> acker, armes -> arm,
> bedürfnissen -> bedürfnis)
>         */
>         if (index1 != 10000 && r1Index != -1) {
>             if (index1 >= r1Index) {
>                 word = word.substring(0, index1);
>                 if (optionUsed1 == 'b') {
>                     if (word.search(/niss$/) != -1) {
>                         word = word.substring(0, word.length -1);
>                     }
>                 }
>             }
>         }
>         /*
>         Step 2:
>         Search for the longest among the following suffixes,
>         (a) en   er   est
>         (b) st (preceded by a valid st-ending, itself preceded by at least
> 3 letters)
>         */
>         var a2Index = word.search(/(en|er|est)$/g);
>         var b2Index = word.search(/(.{3}[bdfghklmnt]st)$/g);
>         if (b2Index != -1) {
>             b2Index += 4;
>         }
>         var index2 = 10000;
>         var optionUsed2 = '';
>         if (a2Index != -1 && a2Index < index2) {
>             optionUsed2 = 'a';
>             index2 = a2Index;
>         }
>         if (b2Index != -1 && b2Index < index2) {
>             optionUsed2 = 'b';
>             index2 = b2Index;
>         }
>         /*
>         and delete if in R1.
>         (For example, derbsten -> derbst by step 1, and derbst -> derb by
> step 2, since b is a valid st-ending, and is preceded by just 3 letters)
>         */
>         if (index2 != 10000 && r1Index != -1) {
>             if (index2 >= r1Index) {
>                 word = word.substring(0, index2);
>             }
>         }
>         /*
>         Step 3: d-suffixes (*)
>         Search for the longest among the following suffixes, and perform
> the action indicated.
>         end   ung
>             delete if in R2
>             if preceded by ig, delete if in R2 and not preceded by e
>         ig   ik   isch
>             delete if in R2 and not preceded by e
>         lich   heit
>             delete if in R2
>             if preceded by er or en, delete if in R1
>         keit
>             delete if in R2
>             if preceded by lich or ig, delete if in R2
>         */
>         var a3Index = word.search(/(end|ung)$/g);
>         var b3Index = word.search(/[^e](ig|ik|isch)$/g);
>         var c3Index = word.search(/(lich|heit)$/g);
>         var d3Index = word.search(/(keit)$/g);
>         if (b3Index != -1) {
>             b3Index ++;
>         }
>         var index3 = 10000;
>         var optionUsed3 = '';
>         if (a3Index != -1 && a3Index < index3) {
>             optionUsed3 = 'a';
>             index3 = a3Index;
>         }
>         if (b3Index != -1 && b3Index < index3) {
>             optionUsed3 = 'b';
>             index3 = b3Index;
>         }
>         if (c3Index != -1 && c3Index < index3) {
>             optionUsed3 = 'c';
>             index3 = c3Index;
>         }
>         if (d3Index != -1 && d3Index < index3) {
>             optionUsed3 = 'd';
>             index3 = d3Index;
>         }
>         if (index3 != 10000 && r2Index != -1) {
>             if (index3 >= r2Index) {
>                 word = word.substring(0, index3);
>                 var optionIndex = -1;
>                 var optionSubsrt = '';
>                 if (optionUsed3 == 'a') {
>                     optionIndex = word.search(/[^e](ig)$/);
>                     if (optionIndex != -1) {
>                         optionIndex++;
>                         if (optionIndex >= r2Index) {
>                             word = word.substring(0, optionIndex);
>                         }
>                     }
>                 } else if (optionUsed3 == 'c') {
>                     optionIndex = word.search(/(er|en)$/);
>                     if (optionIndex != -1) {
>                         if (optionIndex >= r1Index) {
>                             word = word.substring(0, optionIndex);
>                         }
>                     }
>                 } else if (optionUsed3 == 'd') {
>                     optionIndex = word.search(/(lich|ig)$/);
>                     if (optionIndex != -1) {
>                         if (optionIndex >= r2Index) {
>                             word = word.substring(0, optionIndex);
>                         }
>                     }
>                 }
>             }
>         }
>         /*
>         Finally,
>         turn U and Y back into lower case, and remove the umlaut accent
> from a, o and u.
>         */
>         word = word.replace(/U/g, 'u');
>         word = word.replace(/Y/g, 'y');
>         word = word.replace(/ä/g, 'a');
>         word = word.replace(/ö/g, 'o');
>         word = word.replace(/ü/g, 'u');
>         return word;
>     };
> }
> 2010/7/15 Kasun Gajasinghe <kasunbg at gmail.com>
>> On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 9:18 PM, Joder Illi <joderilli at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi there, I just made a Javascript implementation of the German Porter
>>> Stemmer (the first variant). If you are interested, let me know and I will
>>> provide the sources for you to review and publish.
>> Hello Joder,
>> It's very nice to hear that you implemented the German stemmer in
>> JavaScript. I am very much willing to use it as I was looking for European
>> Stemmers written in JavaScript for quite sometime.
>> If you can provide the source that would be great, and please specify the
>> level of implementation. i.e. I would like to know whether the stemmer is
>> fully implemented or there's some work left to be done. As, I will be using
>> it along with Java version as well,  the stemmer should be compatible with
>> the Java version.
>> Your work is appreciated!
>> BTW, does anyone know whether there are other stemmers written for other
>> European languages (in JavaScript) as well ?
>> regards,
>> --KasunBG
>>> Greetings:
>>>        Joder Illi
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>> ~~~*******'''''''''''''*******~~~
>> Kasun Gajasinghe,
>> University of Moratuwa,
>> Sri Lanka.
>> Blog: http://kasunbg.blogspot.com
>> Twitter: http://twitter.com/kasunbg
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