[Snowball-discuss] Yet another JavaScript stemmers port

Martin Porter martin at porterloo.wanadoo.co.uk
Tue Sep 14 11:02:45 BST 2010


As usual, I must apologise for the delay in replying to your email to

The work you have done with the snowball stemmers is clearly very
comprehensive and interesting. Looking at the sources at ---


--- it is clear that you have done something much more than merely supply an
alternative stemmer to the Porter stemmer in javascript, and I think we
should at least report it under "Snowball Projects". I wondered how you
established all the stemmers in javascript? Did you do a hand translation,
an automatic translation, or alter the snowball compiler to generate
javascript direct?

As you probably realise, the code at,


is somewhat separate from the snowball work. I try to keep just one example
of the stemmer in each language, perl, java or whatever. Clearly your work
here should be noted in the snowball site.


At 10:37 AM 9/6/2010 +0300, o.mazko wrote:

As alternative example of JavaScript 
http://tartarus.org/%7Emartin/PorterStemmer/js.txt stemmers port maybe 
you wold like to add my variant https://code.google.com/p/urim/.

Best Regards, Oleg Mazko

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