[Snowball-discuss] Early English clarification

Martin Porter martin.f.porter at gmail.com
Wed Nov 30 16:31:29 GMT 2011

> So am I correct in saying that an "early Modern English" stemmer can be
> constructed from the existing English stemmer by simply adding "est" and
> "eth" to Step 1b in the English stemmer, and that no additional changes
> have to be made anywhere else?

Yes that is correct.

In the explanation of this small adjustment, I'm making a distinction
between (a) the Porter stemmer, as originally described (in 1980),
(b1) the description of the English stemmer, and (b2) the encoding of
the English stemmer in snowball, which is why the same thing seems to
be said three times. I take your point about possible confusion here,
and will think of some rewording. -- Martin

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