[Snowball-discuss] Fix common typo in Spanish

Martin Porter martin.f.porter at gmail.com
Fri Mar 23 11:39:24 GMT 2012


Sorry to have been a while in replying, but I wanted first to unearth
the previous occasion when this came up in snowball-discuss.

You have to go to,


then to page 4, and look at the messages from and to Andrew Green in
May 2007. It was left so that a version of the stemmer for Spanish
which does not assume accents on endings was something we'd
investigate. But we have not put one in place on the snowball site. I
suppose I was always hoping one might be contributed by a native
Spanish speaker, which would give the variant stemmer a little more
authority. It is not of course difficult to add the extra endings in,
but the choice of endings, I guess, needs care. One is dealing with a
modern use of Spanish which is not strictly grammatical.

Are there not indeed a batch of endings one needs to consider? Do you
think the single one you instance ---

     'aci{o'}n' 'acion'

--- is of especial importance?


On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 10:44 PM, Damian Janowski
<damian.janowski at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Please take a look at this patch which fixes a very common typo in
> Spanish: http://paste.dimaion.com/a63cb2115817f46539497461e58bcf6e.txt
> I'm new to Snowball (using Xapian for some time though) so I'm not
> sure if this is the best way to collaborate.
> Thank you in advance.
> D.
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