[Snowball-discuss] Suggestion: 'aci'(<-'at')

James Aylett james-xapian at tartarus.org
Fri Apr 4 12:57:57 BST 2014

On 4 Apr 2014, at 05:22, Chris Hennick <christopherhe at trentu.ca> wrote:

>> What you're talking about sounds like different stemmers, to me; given how slowly the porter2-based English stemmer changes (the last change was 7 years ago I believe!), maintaining a separate .sbl file should not prove onerous.
>> Possibly there's some work in the snowball distribution worth doing to make it easier to "roll in" external snowball languages; Martin or Richard would be better placed to discuss that.
> Is there any feature in the Snowball language that corresponds to a command-line option? Using command-line options to add specifications within a language would be the simplest solution, from my point of view as an Ubuntu-descendant and Windows user, because it would still mean only one binary package to install, one command to invoke, and one man page or -h call to research the parameters.

That wouldn't be easy to design well, I'd have thought, because Snowball gets embedded and used in so many distinct ways.


 James Aylett, occasional trouble-maker

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