[Snowball-discuss] License file shipping required by BSD license

jpacner at redhat.com jpacner at redhat.com
Thu May 22 08:49:28 BST 2014

Hi Martin,

> Is it sufficient for you purposes if I just include the text of the
> BSD licence in the header file of the snowball compiler?

I think the best way would be to put into header of each source file a
reference like

 * For licensing, see the LICENSE file.
 * Contributors
 *   2014-05-22 Martin Porter

The date could designate the first date you've contributed to that file.

Then put the BSD 2-Clause license into LICENSE file and add the
following paragraph somewhere to the beginning of the README file:


All files except for the listed below are licensed under the BSD
2-Clause license (see the LICENSE file).

"examples/stemwords.c" is licensed under the Beerware license
"mkmodules.pl" is licensed under the GPLv2
"some_binary_file.jpg" is licensed under the GPLv3 license


This way it seems quite sufficient.

Kind regards,

-- Jan Pacner

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