[Snowball-discuss] (Case FC2450947) Stemming Special Cases

Chris Hennick christopherhe at trentu.ca
Sat May 24 07:45:53 BST 2014

This is probably not a common enough exceptions to be worth special
handling in trunk, because not many text corpora will have both "paste" and
"past" as common words. Like how "statistic" stems to "statist" (which
isn't a problem unless your documents are anarchist/libertarian propaganda).
On May 24, 2014 2:31 AM, "Fog Creek Customer Service" <
customer-service at fogcreek.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> We noticed that the word 'paste' stems to 'past' and that it creates very
> undesirable results when searching for 'paste' since all the results with
> 'past' also come up. Can you comment on whether or not the word 'paste' can
> be made a special case, or if there is some solid reasoning to explain the
> behavior?
> Thanks,
> Sonny
> Fog Creek Software
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