[Snowball-discuss] French stemmer question

Martin Holmes mholmes at uvic.ca
Tue Nov 10 15:26:04 GMT 2020

HI Martin,

You're absolutely right; I should teach myself snowball instead of 
trying to implement from the descriptions. :-)


On 2020-11-10 7:00 a.m., Martin Porter wrote:
> Martin,
> Olly got in ahead of me in answering this one! But you are right that,
> despite every effort for clarity in the algorithm descriptions,
> anbiguities of interpretation can arise. On first launching snowball
> the algorithm descriptions did contain occasional errors, but these
> were picked up and reported by readers in the first few years that
> followed (the benefits of open sourcing!). So the descriptions are
> trustworthy even if they can occasionally mislead. It's important of
> course to compare algorithm descrption with snowball script.
> Martin

Humanities Computing and Media Centre
University of Victoria
mholmes at uvic.ca

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