Survex 1.1.1 test version uploaded

Olly Betts olly at
Fri Oct 8 20:26:03 BST 2004

On Wed, Oct 06, 2004 at 11:25:10PM +0200, Josep Guarro wrote:
> Here are some bugsI've found  in the Windows release (Windows 98).
> Just after opening the Aven, an error is displayed:
> "Couldn't add an image to the image list"
> You click "Ok" and it looks like everthing is ok.

I discovered that one on Martin's laptop when I did my talk at the BCRA
conference!  I think I've found the problem, but haven't tested the fix

> Then you open a 3d file and it doesn't load at full screen, just some
> parts of it, then by clicking the mouse left button the rest of the
> screen is loaded.

I've not seen this.  I wonder if it's an interaction with the error

> Also when in "Perspective" the zoom does not work.

Perspective view works in a different way to the normal view.  The
viewpoint is at the centre of rotation for the normal view, and you fly
around inside the model.  So instead of zoom in/out, the same keys,
mouse movements, etc move the viewpoint forwards and backwards.

Once you know how it works, does that seem sensible?  Perspective
view really needs a proper viewpoint, rather than the direction + zoom
which the standard aven view uses.

> And finally I cannot get the grid to turn on, neither by the menu nor
> the CTRL-G 

Oops, I forgot to mention that the following aren't yet working:

* Grid

* Crosses are shown, but the size and orientation changes in odd ways

* Blobs for entrances, etc are square not round

* Labels display in front of everything - it's not clear what the best
  approach is here, since you don't want a label be inside a solid


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