Survex 1.1.1 test version uploaded

Olly Betts olly at
Tue Oct 12 21:51:25 BST 2004

On Tue, Oct 12, 2004 at 09:07:19PM +0100, Brian Clipstone wrote:
> I have tested Aven on Win 98 and have found that, in the ordinary view the
> left mouse button does not zoom in and out as usual, but changes the
> elevation. Zoom with mouse is the most useful tool.

That's a feature, not a bug - from the release announcement:

* aven: Mouse actions changed (hopefully they're now more natural, but
  you may find the change disorientating - feedback wanted on

I must admit I don't like the change myself (Mark made it), but I'm of
course very used to the old controls so I thought I'd better see what
other people thought.  But as Dave Loeffler has pointed out to me,
having tilt and rotate together means you can't rotate plan view with
the mouse without it straying off.

So far everyone who's commented doesn't like the change, so I'm inclined
to revert this even though the new arrangement is more logical in some
ways (sorry Mark!)

We should also make use of the mouse wheel where available - Phil sent
me a patch which is still in my "todo" pile.

> On survey rotation it is very slow and jumpy, unless you put on the
> tubes view, then it speeds up.

That's odd - I'll see if I can replicate that.

> the highlight fixed points button or view does not work.

Can you open the "About" dialog (in the Help menu) and cut and paste
the contents of the little window in the middle into an email?  It tells
me stuff about the opengl implementation you're using.

> If you put on Perspective the survey disapears from view.

Perspective view puts the viewpoint inside the model - at the centre of
rotation for the non-perspective view.  This allows you to totally
freely fly around inside the model, and allows you to just click on
a point in the model or side panel to go there for perspective view.
But it does make the transition to and from persepective mode a bit
confusing.  But we can't just put the perspective viewpoint at the
non-perspective viewpoint because there isn't actually a non-perspective
viewpoint - just a centre of rotation and a viewing direction.

Suggestions welcome...


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