Survex 1.1.1 test version uploaded

Mark Shinwell Mark.Shinwell at
Wed Oct 13 10:23:51 BST 2004

On Wed, Oct 13, 2004 at 02:22:45AM +0100, Olly Betts wrote:
> I used to think we should make all the keys and mouse actions
> configurable, but I now think this is probably a mistake - a common
> use of Survex is on expedition where one machine is shared by the
> expedition members, and rebound controls will cause chaos in this
> situation.  I think it's much better for us to come up with good
> controls by default.

I disagree quite strongly to this, I'm afraid: I see no reason why
particular users' preferences should be constrained to the majority

Anyway, this point aside then a decent set of default controls is still
needed, and I am in agreement that the new ones are unsatisfactory.

There is some mileage in keeping the controls the same as the 1.0
releases.  I think that a good option might be something like:

	Left		rotate + scale
	Middle		tilt
	Right		pan
	Left+mod1	rotate only
	Left+mod2	scale only

I really don't see why rotation and tilting at the same time is
desirable.  Having tried it over the summer, it seems to be very hard to
control the cave in a useful way.

However, if the particular user wants it, I don't see any problem with
allowing them to rebind the controls.  What I really don't fancy is
another example of open source software copying our good friends in
Seattle and producing

> a "tip dialog" which shows a random tip on startup

Perhaps flash something up in the status bar instead, if we must?

Mark Shinwell -- email: Mark.Shinwell at
Theory and Semantics Group, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory

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