GNOME CVS: pstree ben
Tue, 12 Oct 1999 23:11:53 +0100
CVSROOT: /home/cvs
Module name: pstree
Changes by: ben 99/10/12 23:11:53
Log message:
psmisc-18 distribution
Vendor Tag: psmisc
Release Tags: psmisc-18
C pstree/VERSION
C pstree/README
C pstree/INSTALL
C pstree/CHANGES
C pstree/COPYING
N pstree/psmisc-18.lsm
N pstree/Makefile
C pstree/comm.h
N pstree/signals.h
N pstree/fuser.1
N pstree/fuser.c
N pstree/killall.1
N pstree/killall.c
N pstree/pidof.1
C pstree/pstree.1
C pstree/pstree.c
N pstree/signals.c
N pstree/mkdist
8 conflicts created by this import.
Use the following command to help the merge:
cvs checkout -jpsmisc:yesterday -jpsmisc pstree