Tartarus CVS: zap ds

tartarus-commits-admin@lists.tartarus.org tartarus-commits-admin@lists.tartarus.org
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 18:17:59 +0000

CVSROOT:	/usr/data/cvs
Module name:	zap
Changes by:	ds	00/12/17 18:17:59

Modified files:
	sources/!ZapSource/data: clib_names,fff 
	sources/!ZapSource/s: LineEditor,fff Mode4,fff Mode4dis,fff 

Log message:
Inserted a descriptor for the module flags word pointer.
(Requires a new token "zap_d_modflags".)
Tweaked the header display to not display strings stored in the header.
SCL call display now copes with 32-bit stubs (jump table is in two chunks).