simon-svn: putty: simon

tartarus-commits at tartarus-commits at
Fri Jan 7 14:22:17 GMT 2005

SVN root:       svn://
Changes by:     simon
Revision:       5073
Date:           2005-01-07 14:22:17 +0000 (Fri, 07 Jan 2005)

Log message (11 lines):
Proxy command formatting now recognises `%proxyhost' and
`%proxyport' in addition to the other things it interpolates. This
is useful when using the Unix-only `Local' proxy type: it allows me
to, for example, set up a proxy command such as
  ssh %proxyhost nc -q0 %host %port
and then enter the name of the proxy machine in `Proxy hostname',
which makes it marginally more convenient to quickly change to using
a different proxy to get at the same target.

I haven't documented this, because we currently don't document the
Local proxy type at all. Possibly we should, though.

Modified files:
U   putty/proxy.c


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