simon-svn: puzzles: jacob

Commits to Tartarus CVS repository. tartarus-commits at
Sun Feb 10 18:43:29 GMT 2008

SVN root:       svn://
Changes by:     jacob
Revision:       7849
Date:           2008-02-10 18:43:29 +0000 (Sun, 10 Feb 2008)

Log message (6 lines):
UI change to Filling: allow multiple squares to be set at once.

(This change adds a new possibility to the save format, such that new save
files won't necessarily be loadable by old binaries. I think that's acceptable
-- it's certainly happened before -- but I couldn't find anything in the
developer docs explicitly blessing it.)

Modified files:
U   puzzles/filling.c
U   puzzles/puzzles.but


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