simon-svn: puzzles: simon

Commits to Tartarus CVS repository. tartarus-commits at
Sat Apr 6 13:28:21 BST 2013

SVN root:       svn://
Changes by:     simon
Revision:       9818
Date:           2013-04-06 13:28:21 +0100 (Sat, 06 Apr 2013)

Log message (9 lines):
Fix the 'puzzle doesn't work' apology, which I'd accidentally moved
inside the top-level display:none puzzle container as a side effect of

Also, while I'm at it, reword the apology to mention typed arrays as
the most likely cause of failure (AFAIK that's the most modern feature
required by the JS front end), and fix indecision between singular and
plural ('this puzzle' doesn't work, perhaps a feature 'they depend on'
is missing).

Modified files:
U   puzzles/html/


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