simon-git: putty (master): Simon Tatham

Commits to Tartarus CVS repository. tartarus-commits at
Sun Mar 20 18:36:43 GMT 2016

  ca68700 Fix downloading of variable-pitch X font glyphs.
  36ddc57 Ignore X11 BadMatch errors during cut buffer setup.

Repository:     git://
On the web:
Branch updated: master
Committer:      Simon Tatham <anakin at>
Date:           2016-03-20 18:36:43

commit ca687005701304bf3b55670e0057a313411ef38b
web diff;a=commitdiff;h=ca687005701304bf3b55670e0057a313411ef38b;hp=a7e363402f89dd61c3c2268cbeccc8e89b8d57ee
Author: Simon Tatham <anakin at>
Date:   Sun Mar 20 17:39:43 2016 +0000

    Fix downloading of variable-pitch X font glyphs.
    I had completely forgotten, when rendering each glyph to a server-side
    pixmap and downloading its contents, to only look at the part of the
    pixmap that XDrawImageString would have overwritten, as specified by
    the metrics in the XCharStruct. Now 'pterm -fn server:variable'
    doesn't randomly make up bitmap nonsense outside each character's
    bounding rectangle.

 unix/gtkfont.c |   45 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

commit 36ddc57084e461ce2377c9f7e79aad0dd8f9d85e
web diff;a=commitdiff;h=36ddc57084e461ce2377c9f7e79aad0dd8f9d85e;hp=ca687005701304bf3b55670e0057a313411ef38b
Author: Simon Tatham <anakin at>
Date:   Sun Mar 20 18:16:43 2016 +0000

    Ignore X11 BadMatch errors during cut buffer setup.
    This is quite a pain, since it involves inventing an entire new piece
    of infrastructure to install a custom Xlib error handler and give it a
    queue of things to do. But it fixes a bug in which Unix pterm/PuTTY
    crash out at startup if one of the root window's CUT_BUFFERn
    properties contains something of a type other than STRING - in
    particular, UTF8_STRING is not unheard-of.
    For example, run
      xprop -root -format CUT_BUFFER3 8u -set CUT_BUFFER3 "thingy"
    and then pterm without this fix would have crashed.

 Recipe         |    2 +-
 unix/gtkwin.c  |   10 +++++++
 unix/x11misc.c |   88 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 unix/x11misc.h |   15 ++++++++++
 4 files changed, 114 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

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