simon-git: putty (master): Simon Tatham

Commits to Tartarus CVS repository. tartarus-commits at
Fri Mar 25 09:14:27 GMT 2016

  0b42fed Polish up the PuTTYgen user interface for ECC key types.
  906ceef Fix display of ECC keys in the Windows Pageant list box.
  bb6dd98 Rewrite the FAQ entry about the MacOS port.
  e30e6b0 Delete the old 'macosx' directory completely.
  68b1933 Fix Makefile.gtk in the wake of the new [XT] program type.
  5e884cf Make Makefile.gtk default to GTK 3.

Repository:     git://
On the web:
Branch updated: master
Committer:      Simon Tatham <anakin at>
Date:           2016-03-25 09:14:27

commit 0b42fed9bdc55e896385d9ab5cdc9189fd8798e1
web diff;a=commitdiff;h=0b42fed9bdc55e896385d9ab5cdc9189fd8798e1;hp=cd0495bc183d268ce25cd94758c12d235f80b5d0
Author: Simon Tatham <anakin at>
Date:   Fri Mar 25 07:53:06 2016 +0000

    Polish up the PuTTYgen user interface for ECC key types.
    Jacob pointed out that a free-text field for entering a key size in
    bits is all very well for key types where we actually _can_ generate a
    key to a size of your choice, but less useful for key types where
    there are only three (or one) legal values for the field, especially
    if we don't _say_ what they are.
    So I've revamped the UI a bit: now, in ECDSA mode, you get a dropdown
    list selector showing the available elliptic curves (and they're even
    named, rather than just given by bit count), and in ED25519 mode even
    that disappears. The curve selector for ECDSA and the bits selector
    for RSA/DSA are independent controls, so each one remembers its last
    known value even while temporarily hidden in favour of the other.
    The actual generation function still expects a bit count rather than
    an actual curve or algorithm ID, so the easiest way to actually
    arrange to populate the drop-down list was to have an array of bit
    counts exposed by sshecc.c. That's a bit ugly, but there we go.
    One small functional change: if you enter an absurdly low value into
    the RSA/DSA bit count box (under 256), PuTTYgen used to give a warning
    and reset it to 256. Now it resets it to the default key length of
    2048, basically because I was touching that code anyway to change a
    variable name and just couldn't bring myself to leave it in a state
    where it intentionally chose such an utterly useless key size. Of
    course this doesn't prevent generation of 256-bit keys if someone
    still really wants one - it just means they don't get one selected as
    the result of a typo.

 ssh.h             |    1 +
 sshecc.c          |    3 +
 windows/winpgen.c |  170 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 3 files changed, 116 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)

commit 906ceef0fcda4b3b560df966a16652c4dfbf5cfc
web diff;a=commitdiff;h=906ceef0fcda4b3b560df966a16652c4dfbf5cfc;hp=0b42fed9bdc55e896385d9ab5cdc9189fd8798e1
Author: Simon Tatham <anakin at>
Date:   Fri Mar 25 08:36:29 2016 +0000

    Fix display of ECC keys in the Windows Pageant list box.
    This is an absolutely horrible piece of code, relying not only on font
    metrics but also on an observed correlation between the length of a
    key algorithm name and whether or not it needs a separate key size
    displayed. But it'll do for the moment, and it's less effort than
    writing a custom piece of Windows API code to display the list box
    entries in a properly robust way :-(

 windows/winpgnt.c |   51 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 46 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

commit bb6dd987eee2cc52bdbb50d540a9b463c747d367
web diff;a=commitdiff;h=bb6dd987eee2cc52bdbb50d540a9b463c747d367;hp=906ceef0fcda4b3b560df966a16652c4dfbf5cfc
Author: Simon Tatham <anakin at>
Date:   Fri Mar 25 08:46:34 2016 +0000

    Rewrite the FAQ entry about the MacOS port.

 doc/faq.but |   28 ++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

commit e30e6b0f1d009c36f7e7d7d51a3e5c6689708062
web diff;a=commitdiff;h=e30e6b0f1d009c36f7e7d7d51a3e5c6689708062;hp=bb6dd987eee2cc52bdbb50d540a9b463c747d367
Author: Simon Tatham <anakin at>
Date:   Fri Mar 25 09:06:03 2016 +0000

    Delete the old 'macosx' directory completely.
    The current state of the OS X GTK port is looking more or less
    plausible - it's not finished, of course, but then neither was the old
    native Cocoa port. So I'm inclined to advertise it as *the* unfinished
    OS X port: it's the one I intend to keep working on, and it's the one
    I'd prefer people offered us help with if they're going to offer.
    Hence, leaving the old macosx directory around is just confusing; that
    directory is long-unmaintained, probably doesn't even compile, and its
    only effect will be to mislead people into thinking it's still
    relevant. I'm unilaterally deleting it; of course we can always
    recover it from source control history if it's ever necessary to do

 .gitignore        |    6 -
 Recipe            |   10 -
 macosx/README.OSX |   92 ---
 macosx/info.plist |    8 -
 macosx/osx.h      |   34 -
 macosx/osxclass.h |  107 ----
 macosx/osxctrls.m | 1781 -----------------------------------------------------
 macosx/osxdlg.m   |  509 ---------------
 macosx/osxmain.m  |  426 -------------
 macosx/osxsel.m   |  308 ---------
 macosx/osxwin.m   | 1227 ------------------------------------
 puttyps.h         |    4 -
 12 files changed, 4512 deletions(-)

commit 68b19333268880f7c70207b1976d6700d281e3f1
web diff;a=commitdiff;h=68b19333268880f7c70207b1976d6700d281e3f1;hp=e30e6b0f1d009c36f7e7d7d51a3e5c6689708062
Author: Simon Tatham <anakin at>
Date:   Fri Mar 25 09:10:50 2016 +0000

    Fix Makefile.gtk in the wake of the new [XT] program type.
    It's not the recommended makefile any more, but it's not too hard
    to keep it working for the moment. |    3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

commit 5e884cfc276f0dcc642b56c0cf9413846b39704f
web diff;a=commitdiff;h=5e884cfc276f0dcc642b56c0cf9413846b39704f;hp=68b19333268880f7c70207b1976d6700d281e3f1
Author: Simon Tatham <anakin at>
Date:   Fri Mar 25 09:11:01 2016 +0000

    Make Makefile.gtk default to GTK 3. |    2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

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