simon-git: puzzles (main): Ben Harris

Commits to Tartarus hosted VCS tartarus-commits at
Wed Feb 1 20:36:45 GMT 2023

  1736445 Mines: forbid moves that flag or unflag an exposed square
  2a9be2b Mines: Don't check if the player has won if they've already lost

On the web:
Branch updated: main
Committer:      Ben Harris <bjh21 at>
Date:           2023-02-01 20:36:45

commit 17364455186ae61e015d0f0de3f09423f78d0727
web diff;a=commitdiff;h=17364455186ae61e015d0f0de3f09423f78d0727;hp=37df1f2bbc689d224369d963dd8007d68fcd7c6a
Author: Ben Harris <bjh21 at>
Date:   Wed Feb 1 17:07:12 2023 +0000

    Mines: forbid moves that flag or unflag an exposed square
    interpret_move() couldn't generate them, but execute_move() also needs
    to forbid them to defend against corrupt save files.  I don't think this
    actually caused any crashes, but it did cause unexpected "1" squares not
    adjacent to mines.

 mines.c | 4 +++-
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

commit 2a9be2b89df3e6a07a1d90a06f8ac00a92d789e5
web diff;a=commitdiff;h=2a9be2b89df3e6a07a1d90a06f8ac00a92d789e5;hp=17364455186ae61e015d0f0de3f09423f78d0727
Author: Ben Harris <bjh21 at>
Date:   Wed Feb 1 20:12:29 2023 +0000

    Mines: Don't check if the player has won if they've already lost
    It can't happen in normal play, but if a save file had a "C" (clear
    around) move that set off a mine, Mines could end up hitting an
    assertion failure, "ncovered >= nmines".  This was because it would
    check if the player had won by counting covered squares and mines, and
    of course an uncovered mine is no longer a covered square but is still a
    Since winning after you're dead isn't possible (at least in Mines), we
    now skip the check entirely if the player has already died.
    This save file demonstrates the problem:
    SAVEFILE:41:Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection
    GAME    :5:Mines
    PARAMS  :1:7
    CPARAMS :1:7
    DESC    :22:r31,u,0000C000d0000020
    NSTATES :1:2
    MOVE    :4:C6,2

 mines.c | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

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